Lokaljournalistik der gør en forskel: Hold øje med Rødovre Lokal Nyt
Af Peter From Jacobsen
Rødovre Lokal Nyt kåret til Årets Ugeavis i 2015.
Peter From Jacobsen
Albertslund Posten
Albertslund Posten har stået for en række spændende løsningsorienterede journalistiske projekter, der skal omtales nærmere en anden god gang. I det følgende er der fokus på ildsjælene i Rødovre.
Citizen engagement
Marcus Foth ed. 2011: From social butterfly to engaged citizen: urban informatics, social media, ubiquitous computing, and mobile technology to support citizen engagement. MIT Press.
... social cohesion in the era of cars, clocks and cell phones ... everyday life, mobile, and spatial practices in urban spaces ...
www.bibliotek.dk/da/search ...
"Journalist" er ikke en beskyttet titel, og en borgerjournalist er en ikke-uddannet journalist.
Journalister og borgerjournalister
Journalisters verifikation af borgerjournalisters arbejde.
Eks.: Det er med henblik på verifikation, at Jigsaw (tidl. Google Ideas) har lanceret et online-redskab, "Montage", hvormed journalister kan samarbejde om at analysere videoer, der oploades på YouTube.
Verification Handbook
Emergency Journalism
Toolkit for better and accurate reporting
Jay Rosen
The people formerly known as the audience wish to inform media people of our existence, and of a shift in power that goes with the platform shift you’ve all heard about.
www.archive.pressthink.org/2006 ...
Dan Gillmor
The “former audience” is Dan Gillmor’s term for us. (He’s one of our discoverers and champions.) It refers to the owners and operators of tools that were one exclusively used by media people to capture and hold their attention.
www.archive.pressthink.org/2006 ...
Citizen journalism
Hard data shatters hyperlocal dream
www.newmodeljournalism.com/2011 ...
Typology of citizen-run neighbourhood websites
www.networkedneighbourhoods.com ....pdf
Wikinews er en brugerdrevet nyhedskilde