Facebook messenger til nyheder
Boston Globe har valgt at sende breaking nyt via Facebook Messenger.
www.digiday.com/media/boston-globe ...
Jobsøgning og sociale medier
Det virtuelle håndtryk v/Abelone Glahn
Hvordan kan virksomheder, medarbejdere og selvstændige opbygge en professionel online-tilstedeværelse?
Aalborg Universitet projekter
Facebook, Content Marketing mm.
www.projekter.aau.dk/projekter ...
Relationship marketing
Stavros, C., Meng, M. D., Westberg, K., & Farrelly, F. (2014).
Understanding fan motivation for interacting on social media. Sport Management Review,
... Relationship marketing can be described as the process of developing, maintaining and enhancing mutually advantageous long-term relationships through interactions (Harwood, Garry, & Broderick, 2008). Grönroos (2011, p. 244) ...
www.isiarticles.com...Article ...pdf
The techlash against Amazon, Facebook and Google—and what they can do
... a consultant in Washington refers to Amazon, Facebook and Google as “Standard Commerce, Standard Social and Standard Data” ...
An analyst at RBC Capital, Mark Mahaney, recently published a list of “top ten internet surprises for 2018”. “Material regulatory action” against tech was number one; he rated the probability as low but “higher than financial markets ascribe”.
... All three of your firms have used insights from the data you gather to spot incipient rivals and buy them up. Facebook’s little-known app Onavo, which tracks users’ smartphone activity, helped it spot several potential threats, including Instagram ...
... “the big case tradition” of trustbusting.
www.economist.com/news ...
Mark Mahaney: Top ten internet surprises
www.cnbc.com/video/2018/01 ...
Facebook app Onavo
Facebook’s New ‘Onavo Protect’ VPN is a Spyware App.
www.extremetech.com/mobile ...
www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/tech/facebook ...
Sociale medier
Medierne bruger Facebook forkert
Facebook er skabt til at indgå dialog. Men de danske medier bruger nærmest udelukkende platformen til at høste klik. Indgå konstruktive samarbejder med læserne, skriver Lars K. Jensen
Har du styr på dine Facebook-følgere?
... Den klassiske fejl, som rigtigt mange har begået er, at de har startet en Facebook-side med en konkurrence ...
www.michaelwintherrasmussen.dk/2016 ...
Markedsføring og sociale medier
How Facebook and Google Now Dominate Media Distribution
www.mondaynote.com/how-facebook ...
Google News
Google News Initiative
... to help journalism thrive in the digital age.